Check out the Markley Street Hotel in Greenville, South Carolina

designed by NBWW
Greenville, South Carolina
163 guestrooms
20,000 sq ft food and beverage (brewery, coffee shop and restaurant)
5,000 sq ft event space
202 stacked valet parking spaces
Client: Hostmark Hospitality Group
Located north of the West End Historic District, the proposed hotel development is intentionally designed to provide a significant balance between the historical buildings and urban fabric of Greenville, with a contemporary aesthetic. The purposeful setback on the main facades at the ground level activates and anchors the public realm to the hotel’s retail and entertainment spaces. At the site’s main intersection, the building opens and extends a bar terrace to connect with the public realm.
Source: NBWW Markley Street Hotel – NBWW | Nichols Brosch Wurst Wolfe